Monday, February 22, 2010

Latest Purchase.

Bo and I spent all of saturday in Boston meandering around newbury st. and cambridge.  I bought this bakers twine there. I had been looking for a full spool for a while now. 

The Best Christmas Gift.

Bo got this necklace for me as a gift. It is a deer tooth from Norway with pagan runes carved into it.

Fox & Fern

this little guy was hanging out around my aunt & uncles house in vermont. he would come and sit on this rock every morning. he was a young'n. i miss spring & summer in vermont.
[if you click the photo you can see him much better]

Sunday, February 21, 2010

das grim.

an old photograph from this past summer. ive been cleaning out my computer and organizing files. ive come across a lot of old photos i had taken. i will post more photos this year. i promised myself that.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

So It Begins.

This is my final attempt at being productive via internet. I have started and stopped this blog more than twice. In the following days i hope to start posting the things i am making that are for sale. I plan to develop a website in the future, but for now this blog will do. I have an etsy site but it is not quite ready. A link to that will be posted here soon.
